We already had a detailed discussion about VCAP6 - DCV Design exam, where we discussed about the Path we need to follow and what are the objectives that we need to take care, If in case you missed it here is the link for your reference Kick Start Your Journey Towards VCAP6-DCV Design.
We have also seen VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.1, VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.2 and VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.3 in which we discussed about Business and Application Requirements,Risks,Constraints, Assumptions and also discussed how to map the business requirements into VMware vSphere Logical Design here are the links for your reference in case you missed it VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.1, VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.2 , VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.3 , VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 2.1
Objective 2.2 Map Service Dependencies
Another important article which help us to prepare for VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 2.2 Datacenter Operational Excellence Through Automated Application Discovery & Dependency Mapping talks about methods for Effective application discovery and dependency mapping.
Active Discovery method uses common network protocols to remotely query servers and obtain supplementary data about network hosts. However, using just active discovery can place an unnecessary burden on the network.
Passive Discovery method provides more of relationship data by connecting to core span or mirror
ports on network switches and sampling network traffic, passive discovery can identify network hosts and
servers, their communications and connections, and what services and protocols are being exchanged at what
Discovery Analytics—Complements the first two with the ability to perform deep-packet analysis of observed traffic, and to help establish the relationships between passively and actively discovered entities.
The same article also highlights about "VMware Approach to Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping" using VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager which provides the automated, real-time application discovery and dependency mapping capability we need for effective, dependency-driven change, configuration, incident and problem management across physical and virtual environments.
Active Discovery‐ UNIX Collects data from the configuration objects in our data center and doing IP Discovery (method for detecting hosts or other configuration items with a specific IP address when Passive Discovery fails to discover them) and Detail Discovery (Extending the information received using passive and ip discovery)
Active Discovery‐ Windows is a discovery engine that uses WMI based discovery policies for performing active discovery on Windows machines.
Passive Discovery observes the network traffic by performing a deep‐packet analysis to discover applications and component relationships in physical and virtual environments.
Aggregator receives data from the discovery components and reconciles the data before transferring it to the database component.
Database Oracle RDBMS used for storing discovered data and ADM configuration.
vCenter Application Discovery Manager Administration Guide
We have also seen VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.1, VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.2 and VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.3 in which we discussed about Business and Application Requirements,Risks,Constraints, Assumptions and also discussed how to map the business requirements into VMware vSphere Logical Design here are the links for your reference in case you missed it VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.1, VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.2 , VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 1.3 , VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 2.1
Skills and Abilities
- Evaluate dependencies for infrastructure and application services that will be included in a VMware vSphere design.
- Create Entity Relationship Diagrams that map service relationships and dependencies.
- Analyze interfaces to be used with new and existing business processes.
- Determine service dependencies for logical components.
- Include service dependencies in VMware vSphere 6.x Logical Design.
- Analyze services to identify upstream and downstream service dependencies.
- Navigate logical components and their interdependencies and make decisions based upon all service relationships.
- Datacenter Operational Excellence Through Automated Application Discovery & Dependency Mapping
- VMware Application Dependencies and Entity Relationship Diagrams MK2
Recently came across a very informative blog post which talks about the downstream and upstream components and how it affect's the overall design here is the link for your reference VMware Application Dependencies and Entity Relationship Diagrams MK2
Upstream components are those which are more close to the end user and Downstream Components are those which support the upstream components.
So "If a DOWNSTREAM component fails the UPSTREAM components will be affected"
Another important article which help us to prepare for VCAP6-DCV Design Objective 2.2 Datacenter Operational Excellence Through Automated Application Discovery & Dependency Mapping talks about methods for Effective application discovery and dependency mapping.
Active Discovery method uses common network protocols to remotely query servers and obtain supplementary data about network hosts. However, using just active discovery can place an unnecessary burden on the network.
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Image Source - VMware |
Discovery Analytics—Complements the first two with the ability to perform deep-packet analysis of observed traffic, and to help establish the relationships between passively and actively discovered entities.
The same article also highlights about "VMware Approach to Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping" using VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager which provides the automated, real-time application discovery and dependency mapping capability we need for effective, dependency-driven change, configuration, incident and problem management across physical and virtual environments.
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Image Source - VMware |
Active Discovery‐ Windows is a discovery engine that uses WMI based discovery policies for performing active discovery on Windows machines.
Passive Discovery observes the network traffic by performing a deep‐packet analysis to discover applications and component relationships in physical and virtual environments.
Aggregator receives data from the discovery components and reconciles the data before transferring it to the database component.
Database Oracle RDBMS used for storing discovered data and ADM configuration.
vCenter Application Discovery Manager Administration Guide