
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Backup/Recover Active Directory Objects with Nakivo

We have already dedicated couple of articles related to Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1 wherein we have seen the architectural components and also seen new features available in Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1 here is a link for your quick reference if in case you missed it Demystifying Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1

Dedicated this weekend to test Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1 functionalities wherein I downloaded the Windows based installer for Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1 and integrated the same with my Home Lab environment here is the quick link for you to download the same Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1

When it comes to the installation of Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1  there are lot of options available (Windows,Appliance,Linux).

The option which I used was the windows based installation and is pretty straight forward like running an executable file on windows machine.

For integration specify the credentials we use for logging into our vCenter Server, the one which i used was default SSO administrator credentials (administrator@vsphere.local).

Post successful integration with VMware vSphere Environment, I was able to see my Home Lab environment inventory running with two windows based vCenter Server and four ESXi hosts and couple of Virtual Machines.

Prod-001 is my Active Directory machine which i am planning to backup, and the ultimate goal which I am trying to achieve with this blog post is to test one of the functionality available with Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1 i.e recovery of Microsoft Active Directory Objects.

To make this work i created a user account (Recover) and a Group (Recovery Group) in my Prod-001 Active Directory Machine and created a backup Job in Nakivo Backup and Replication and scheduled the Job to run at specific time.

 *Note: Installation/Configurations/Specifications methods used here has been Tested in My Home Lab Nested Environment

The Job Executed Successfully and i logged in to my Prod-001 machine and deleted Recover user account which i created earlier. 

When proceeded further with the recovery of the deleted user account Recover from Prod-001 Active Directory Machine,I selected the last backup job which was executed in my Home Lab Environment.

Post selecting the last backup and recover point, it populated the backed up hierarchy of Active Directory Machine and I selected the same user account Recover which i deleted intentionally from Prod-001 machine and downloaded the selected object details.

Downloaded object is ad.ldif file which has the details about the deleted user account Recover. Below are the contents of the downloaded file ad.ldif

Time to move on to our final step and import this file to our Prod-001 Active Directory machine and execute the command.

ldifde -i -k -f c:\Users\Administrator\Dekstop\ad.ldif 

Post successful execution of the above command I was able to see the deleted user account Recover. :-)

Me personally with not much exposure with Backup and Recovery tools, I Found Nakivo Backup and Replication v6.1 software as user friendly tool to work with, Never felt like as if i am working with this for the very first time.

I would also like to give special thanks to one of my colleague (The Microsoft Guy) who has always been One Stop Shop for all my Microsoft related technical doubts.

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